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Adrena Adrena is a collaboration between visual artist Daisy Dickinson and drummer E-Da Kazuhisa (ex-Boredoms, Seefeel).​ The duo cut a raw blend of drums, noise and organic visual work, featuring in their performances an eight foot white sphere that hangs above Kazuhisa’s drum kit and which Dickinson maps videos on to; her visuals were described by Fluid Radio as ‘cosmological and transcendental, drawing attention to the wonder of the earth and our sensuality on it’.


As a duo, their debut was at the International Festival of Projections in 2016 and have since performed at The Institute of Contemporary Arts London, CERN Geneva, End of The Road Festival, Supernormal Festival, Zorofest in Leipzig and other shows and festivals across the UK, Europe and Japan, with Acid Mothers Temple and members of Can, Faust, Wire and Bo Ningen.​ The pair completed a short film in 2016. ‘Man on the Hill’, which features E-da playing drums on fire in the mountains. The film was nominated for The BFI London Film Festival, Encounters Short Film and Animation Festival, BAFTA qualifying Aesthetica Film Festival, The London Experimental Film Festival, Vienna Independent Film Festival and the London Short Film Festival.

Booking agent: El Borracho Bookings

Record Label: Champion Version/ The Audacious Art Experiment

Adrena Adrena( アドレナ アドレナ) 2016年よりロンドンを中心に活動。英国在住 ドラマー ,プロデューサー E-Da Kazuhisa (Seefeel, ex Boredoms /AOA) とロンドンの新進気鋭のヴィジュアルアーティスト Daisy Dickinson によるユニット 3mの巨大なホワイトボールに3D マッピングされたDaisy のオーガニックで気鋭な実態顕微鏡映像 とドラムとサンプラーを使い、ミニマル、サイケデリックなノイズを出すE-Daとのインタラクティブなパフォーマンスは唯一無比な世界は話題を呼びロンドン、ベルリンでのライブ、イギリスでのフェスティバルで衝撃を与えている ライブパフォーマンスとは別に2016年に発表した ショートフィルム " Man on the Hill"での炎に包まれたドラムは話題を呼び、British Council Film website にものり The BFI London Film Festival, London Short Film Festival などなどの カルト部門にノミネートされる

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